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God is steadily changing my heart to reflect his one day at a time.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


To be still for minute is absolutely amazing. I feel like I've been going going going all week and finally I have absolutely nothing to do. Catching up with Hulu is always part of my downtime but my queue is still quite daunting. While the rest is much-needed, I must say I have really enjoyed being so busy this past week. (Rest always seems much sweeter when it's deserved ha.) I also feel like I've accomplished so much just by working and reconnecting with people. Cassie and Kealy came swimming this week which was so fun. Those girls are just a kick to be around. I remember being a senior in high school...vaguely. They're just really sweet. And then Drew from high school went to a Ryan's party with me Friay night and that was a lot of fun.

Looking back at the week I guess I have had adequate downtime but helping my grandparents clean, working with Alexis and at Old Navy it just seems like a lot.

God has really shown me alot this week through various situations. The lesson most frequently shown to me would have to be the "fearless" message which I have been hearing since I started Max Lucado's bible study with Jeanne. In everything you do, and I mean everything, if fear is in play, the situation is never as good as it has the potential to be. Fear is crippling and unsettles your stability in Christ and it's been really nice not to be so anxious and worried all the time.

Here's hoping next week is as good to me as this past week was :)